Yavin Prime (1)Full unit name: Yavin Prime
Last updated: 12.11.2022 23:48:49
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
Orbited by: Yavin IV
Yavin IV
Yavin Prime, also known as Yavin, was a bright red gas giant in the Gordian Reach sector (part of the Bright Jewel Oversector). It was located on the backward Gordian Reach, a hyperspace route from which the sector got its name. Yavin was best known for its moon, Yavin 4
Yavin IV
, which was the location of the Rebel Alliance's base prior to its discovery and near destruction in the Battle of Yavin
Battle of Yavin
Galactic Civil War
. Of its overall total of 26, Yavin had two other moons that were habitable; Yavin 8 and Yavin 13. Yavin's atmosphere was made up of thick clouds swept about by violent, hurricane-force winds. Any craft that entered the atmosphere without the benefit of a tracking beacon would quickly become lost, its pilot disoriented by the buffeting winds. It was believed these storms lasted all the way to the surface without letting up. The immense atmospheric pressure was also something to contend with, and could easily crush an unprotected ship. It was for these reasons that Yavin was chosen as the initial location for disposing of the Imperial Sun Crusher
Sun Crusher
Named Starships
superweapon. However, the Sun Crusher's superstrong hull proved resistant to Yavin's dense atmosphere and was quite space-worthy when later recovered by Kyp Durron
Kyp Durron
Major Characters


See also
Related events
Battle of Yavin
Complete list

Full unit name: Yavin Prime Last updated: 12.11.2022 23:48:49